Tuesday, March 27, 2007

our trip up the coast so far

here are some pics of our van voyage so far... miss you all!

hanging out with john howard, george w, and osama bin ladin (does anyone know who the guy to the far right is???)

the other side of our van

brushing my teeth in the van the first night

having lunch outside the van overlooking the ocean in newcastle

on a beach camel safari in port macquerie

the most eastern point on australia's mainland....nothing between here and home!

our gold coast/surfers paradise possie...parker, me, christine, caitlin, nick, and kate at the sweet timeshare!

the police station we spent quite some time at in the middle of the night filing our police report..BOOOO!

caitlin, me, parker, and christine on the barge on the way to fraser island

lake mackenzie on fraser island (freshwater lake)

me, parker, and christine jumping at lake mackenzie

being "dingo safe" at our campsite on fraser island

our fraser island group in front of our truck

on the shipwreck on fraser island

in a FREEZING freshwater creek on fraser

1 comment:

Nicholas Behr said...

And now I have to keep up to date on my fellow Yoloers through the Slip Slop Slap blog, who would have thought this day would come... Come back to Sydney, I miss you all!